Being thankful in Trump’s America

Being thankful in Trump’s America

It is hard to be part of the immigrant and mixed status communities in this country and be grateful under Trump’s America. However, in what seems to be a full-on war against our immigrant communities directly from our country’s top elected official and his hate-driven...

Nowhere Left To Run: The reality of being a queer asylum seeker

The need for asylum or refuge to our country can’t be more personified than through the queer and transgender asylum seekers making its way to our southern borders. Recently, AP published an article that follows the 50 or so LGBTQ asylum seekers that are part of the...

Preparing for war at our southern border

This past weekend, U.S. Customs and Border Protection released a press release that would have you imagine our national guard and CBP are preparing for war. The release details how more than 5,000 U.S. military troops have made their way to our southern U.S.-Mexico...

New Mexico’s Future is Female

NEW MEXICO – In a trend that was seen across the nation, many political seats in our Land of Enchantment have also been replaced by female leaders. Beginning with the “biggest chair of them all,” our state’s governor chair will stay at the hands of a...

2018 Midterm Elections: Tonight is the night

History will be made tonight. Tonight is election night. Saying this election night is historic may sound cliche, but the early voting numbers show us otherwise. According to a CNBC report, as of yesterday more than 35 million votes were cast under early voting. Thats...

Lending a helping hand is the New Mexican way!

MEXICO – While Donald Trump prepares for what seems to be war against the asylum caravan making its way to our U.S.-Mexico border, many Mexican citizens are making sure to make the rigorous trip for these asylum seekers as smooth as possible, according to an...